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Week 9 Training Recap

You know how when you get on the bike at the gym, and you can choose that "mountain" option for inclines? So for the first half of the cycle, you'd go uphill, then ride easier downhill for the second half?

Marathon training is not like that.

And with the humidity we've been having here in PGH, it's as if I'm climbing up the mountain even steeper than before.

My legs were definitely hungover from last weekend's half marathon up at Presque Isle. Monday's rest day, aka: the days that I double at work, was incredible; I pretty much stayed seated unless absolutely necessary or to stretch my tired legs. I made sure I was taking in enough protein and electrolytes to help my legs recover as best as possible. 

Presque Isle Half Marathon

Here's how this last week's running went:

Tuesday: 4 Easy/Recovery Miles. 9:10 avg pace. I had a super busy day off of doctors appointments, errands, meetings, and meeting up with friends for the Runner's Night at PNC Park. As much as I wanted to sleep in, I dragged my bum out early-ish and took to my normal route. I didn't care about my splits being negative or staying within a certain range... this was run just to put my legs back on the road.

Pace Shmace...

Wednesday: 8 Mile Repeats. 1 Mile Warm Up, 4 x 1 Mile Repeats at 10K pace with 0.5 Mile Recovery. This did not completely happen. First off, I only did 7.8 miles. Secondly, I cut the fourth mile repeat short, because it was so hot and humid that I was struggling to breathe. You know its bad outside when you're gasping for breath even after you've finished running. And third, I was not anywhere near my target 10K pace.

Lap 7 I didn't realize I had already ran .5, and then died anyway at Lap 8

Thursday: Rest Day. But really, it means that I doubled 7am-11pm.

Friday:  7 Miles with 4 at Goal Marathon Pace. I definitely did my GMP too fast. I stayed within :10 seconds for the four miles, but :10 too fast. I decided to venture down the Great Allegheny Passage to capture as much shade possible. My clothes were still drenched as heck though from the humidity. But after my run and before work, I sent my bike I recently acquired to get worked on. So hopefully soon I can start adding that to my training! ... ok actually I shouldn't do that because I haven't ridden a bike in 10 years and will probably fall off and hurt myself.

did the .08 to the GAP head where I wouldn't be around any traffic

Saturday: 5 Easy Miles. 9:56 avg pace. I had to take my car to get tuned up (Betty's about to hit 150K), and I go to an amazing shop right at Frick Park. I always go for runs while I wait for my car to be done - my mechanic laughs every time. I figured I could do my easy miles on the trails. Ha. Ha. I actually was supposed to only do 4 that day, but I didn't route it well and ended up having to do an extra mile just to get back to the shop. That last mile was taken much slower though! I also was not prepared for the hills I came across. I usually do easy days at 9:00 pace, but with the hills, that was wayyyyy out the door. I didn't push myself though because it is meant to be "easy". What is easy though when you're running? Easy for me is just staying in bed.

Hills will be the death of me...

Sunday: 14 Miles. 8:50 avg pace. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD MAKE THE HEAT STOP. I swear I have gills at this point with breathing in all the humidity. I woke up feeling like someone put poison in my stomach, but promised myself to at least try to manage some mileage. Fleet Feet Pittsburgh had a meet up at North Park, which was small, but really nice to meet new faces! I started running with a couple other people doing between an 8:30-9:00 pace. I had to ditch the one woman I was talking to because she was going way too fast for what I planned... which was 8:50-9:00. I managed to do fairly well with staying on pace, and caught up with one of my great friends Toni. But once I stopped for water, I started shutting down. My stomach went upside down. I told Toni to go on without me while I walked it out. From then on, I seemed to be stopping so frequently just to stay somewhat cool and without throwing up. As much as I could have hated myself for stopping so much, I still finished and with the weather how its been, that's all I can ask of myself.

More consistent paces with each week!

Week 9 Complete:
37.9 miles - 5:35:44

Who else is getting beat down by the heat?


  1. Great week friend! Remember, summer training makes fall PRs!

  2. You did awesome this week! And Steff is right - it does make fall PRs. You're gonna crush it!

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