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HOF Marathon Training: 1 of 16

IT'S TIME! Hall of Fame Marathon Training is here!

Hey guys! I'm so excited to be on a training schedule again. I want my redemption at HOF for Erie. If you followed me last summer, I trained for Erie up until 4 weeks out, only to result in an overuse injury. This is my time. I've rested, cross trained, and learned so much to better prepare myself for this training cycle. 

This winter/spring race season has a couple races that I wont be racing for time, rather just to enjoy the energy and use them as test runs going towards marathon day. Some of these are the ever-favorites like Spring Thaw and Just A Short Run that are unique to the Pittsburgh area. These two races alone have brought me to meet many others in the running community that I am happy to call my friends. 

Everything I will be doing now is aimed for April 29th


So this week has been kinda crazy... as if my life isn't ever not-crazy. With marathon training and starting school last week, finding my balance and schedule is still rocky. Also side comment, scheduling runs around when it will be safe to run (aka no ice on the streets) makes things extra chaotic. 

I managed to get my runs and cross training days in, but dang it's not easy.


Rest Day! But I spent about an hour shoveling snow, so does that count as exercise?


Heat Wave! low 30s

Track Run - 10 min warm up, 3x1600 at 5K pace, 10 min cool down

One of my three quality runs is on the track, and it's my least favorite. I don't know why, but track work scares me.

After my warm up, I had to go back home and get my Yak Trax because there was still 2" of snow/slush on the track. Well, they didn't even help - I was still all over the place on the track. I didn't hit my paces, but really, I'm not mad about it. I still pushed myself and didn't fall! And it was a heat wave of the low 30s! Win!


I'm a gross sweat-er

Cycle - 10 min warm up, 10 min tempo, 10 min cool down

The workout called for a 10 minute warm up, 10 minute at tempo effort, and 10 minute cool down. What the heck does tempo effort mean? My version was to kick up the intensity and pedal fast. I got my HR up and leg turnover up, so I guess that's tempo?

While at the gym, I figured I should probably lift a couple weights. It wasn't much, nor planned in any fashion... just picking this up and putting them down. 


Bigger Heat Wave: 60s!

6 Mile Tempo Run - 2 mi warm up, 2 mi tempo, 2 mi cool down

Again, another run that I didn't hit my paces. I was supposed to have 7:22s for my tempo miles, but after a long day at clinical and running errands, my body wasn't fueled enough to get a solid hard run in.

That evening was also a great run with Steel City Road Runners and Lululemon. I had already ran for the day, and the 5K I did was not part of my weekly mileage, but oh well. I didn't do a pace that was intense for me, and got to enjoy just being able to talk to people that I don't normally see.


Rest Day. I was exhausted and in bed way earlier than I think most 23 year olds do on a Friday night.

I caught up with my good friend Sara to catch up on life and talk about our goals for the coming year. I really got to know her when I was working my way back into running after my injury this past summer, and got lots of miles in as well. She is so knowledgeable and so easy to chat with! Love our friendship <3


Cycle - 10 min warm up, 3x2 min with 2 min recovery, 10 min cool down

I almost didn't do this. I drove to the gym, only to find out that it was closed. Mind you, this is like 8pm? Well, I finally jumped on my bike on the trainer at the house and got my time in. I couldn't tell you what distance I went, but I did put in effort in intervals.


back down to the teens in temps

Long Run - 10 mi at 8:20-8:30

I read my friend Annette's blog post on running with your butt the night before this run. So during this run, I tried doing that. I'll say, I ran with better form and saw my cadence improve drastically. There was a good bit of ice that I had to dodge around, but overall, I felt VERY in control of the pacing for this run. I even felt myself have energy going into the last mile, and decided to kick it up a notch, and finished about 20 seconds faster than the others.


Week One is DONE! 
I feel really good about the past week, despite not hitting my paces for 2 of my runs. I know that there needs to be forgiveness when there's weather fighting me. And really, these cross training days really feel like I'm getting in good work but not killing my legs.

Also completely unrelated, here's a cute picture of my niece and I because this week started the long journey of POTTY TRAINING!!!


  1. Thanks for the shout-out Crystal! I'm glad you read the blog and ran with your butt! :) You cracked me up when you said, "What the heck does tempo effort mean?" haha, I've been there before and never really knew what "tempo" was until a college coach explained it to me. It's a different pace for everyone but, the best way to explain running tempo is being able to have a conversation with a running buddy or, make a quick IG video (which is way harder than it sounds, while running!), but running faster than an easy run or warm up. Breathing hard but, conversation mode! :D Excited to follow your training! <3

  2. Great first week of training! I'm so excited for you. You've learned so much over the last year and you are very mindful about your training this time around. Can we just fast forward to April?
    Love our coffee dates! We need to squeeze in yoga sometime!


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