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Weekly Recap - 2 Weeks Out From EQT

Phew, this was a week!

So I ran the Buffalo Creek Half Marathon last Saturday ... in my new Superfeet Black Insoles. Then on Sunday, I ran 3 recovery miles... in my new Superfeet Black Insoles. Then...

Monday: 5 Mile Tempo Run
I caught some rainy miles while my car was getting tires put on.
On the schedule:
1M Easy Pace, 1M Tempo Pace, 1M 5K Pace, 1M Tempo Pace, 1M Easy Pace 

I was feeling a little sore in my IT band, so I moreso tried to feel the run and not push the pace too hard if my body was telling me no. I picked up speed as needed, but didn't hit my "5K Pace". It was rainy and I was exhausted, so whatever, I didn't get it. But I felt accomplished in knowing that I was able to at least move my body faster than I had started out at. 

and guess what, I ran in my new Superfeet Black Insoles...


So lesson learned: don't run a half marathon, 3 mile run, and 5 mile run in a row with new insoles. My legs and arches were so accustomed to running without insoles that I definitely didn't ease in to running with them on. Sure! my pronation is way better, but my muscles aren't used to it. I definitely have neglected glute work, which only digs this hole deeper.

I took off a couple days of running, and was cautious about going back too soon. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't feeling pain with walking on the day that I would run again. 

I also needed a day of self-care. So I snagged the last good weather day of October with a trip to the pumpkin patch. Not sorry about all the pictures I posted on Facebook of the flowers from the field.

Okay, back to running.

Saturday: 4.33 Miles
I took myself out for a run late in the evening. I wanted to take on a new route by my house, which I found out had a ton of elevation change! I took it "easy"... but since it was dark, I wasn't as religious at looking at my watch.

My IT band was bothering me the whole time, but there came a point that it was numb. Probably from the cold?

I was very stiff and sore during the nightshift; constantly needing to bend my knee and keep moving. 

Sunday: 7 Miles
I was supposed to run 8, and could have, but with my knee not feeling 100%, I kinda let up on the mileage. Definitely sore throughout the run, and going downhill definitely irritated it more. (I was starting to think that the race triggered my  IT band since it was all downhill). 

It was also in the dark, so I was again horrible at looking at my pacing. When I saw Mile 4 at 7:42, I couldn't believe I was running that fast. Well... I found out after my run that my Garmin frazzled. So I probably didn't even do a whole 7 miles. 

And my HR was incredibly high. However, I didn't feel like it was that exerting of a run? I also was running faster that I should have for an "easy" run.

Okay, so clearly this week was just a hot mess (I mean, when ain't I?). BUTTTT, now we're a week away from the EQT 10 Miler. Are you running it??


  1. I’ll see you Sunday! Don’t forget to add your weekly recaps to the link up!!


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