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Monday Motivation: Positive Pants and Get Stuff Done

My Positive Pants: comfortable clothes (that match hah), a good makeup look, and some EDM.
If you see me around with said look, I'm probably on a mission.

What do your positive pants look like?


Get stuff done. What do you consider stuff?

For me, it's prepping food and my school stuff for the coming week, catching up on sleep, doing some yoga and stretching, and just putting myself in a positive mindset so I can crush the coming week. It's not always easy, and I'm not going to sit here and say that I do it all the time either. Hence why I started this Monday Motivation weekly post - so I can get in the mindset that I can and will accomplish Monday.

Not everyone has the same stuff, but I can almost guarantee that we all have a list of things we need or want to do, but put off time and time again. So this Monday, look at your list. Do you have 5 extra minutes to make that doctors appointment or can do a load of laundry while cooking dinner? If so, what's holding you back? For me, it's because I'm glued to social media and lost track of time so quickly. But when I put my phone down and get at that list, I'll go to bed that night feeling a heck of a lot more accomplished. (Sorry friends who think I'm a terrible texter at times)

Make Monday the day where you get it done!


  1. Social media always sucks me in! That's the one thing I need to put to the side to get through my to do list. Once you get in the zone though, it's all smooth sailing.


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