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Pittsburgh Half Marathon Recap

Wow. This last weekend was truly something amazing. I ran faster than I expected in both the 5K and the Half. Actually, finishing 1st in the women's 20-24 in the 5K scared me for what the Half would come out to be. I was worried that I had used up all my energy in the 5K to really have a decent effort in the Half.

BUTTTTTTTT, that was far from the case! My watch showed that I averaged 7'55" pace, which absolutely blew me away. I dreamed of the day that I would accomplish a 8'00" mile average in the half marathon. I craved it, but didn't believe this would be the race to accomplish such.

I honestly believe that the amazing energy from the spectators, the proper pre-race meal, proper hydration, a good long roll out, and the excitement from the day before really made the difference in last weekends race.

Here's how it race morning went for me:

We were actually on time, but I was just nervous and felt rushed.

5:35AM: My boyfriend, my housemate, our friend, and myself get in the car to head dahntahn.

5:45AM: We scored parking SUPER CLOSE to the finish line. And it was FREE! I was too cold to take off any layers at the car. We walked to Market Square to meet some friends before heading to the start line.

6:00-6:50AM: We walked to the Corral entrance, to where I complained, shivered, stretched, figured out where my boyfriend would try to catch glimpses of me along the way, complained more and found a bathroom that flushes that didn't have a line (super secret!). I kissed my boyfriend goodbye and headed into the start line.

6:50-7:10AM: I paced around the corral looking for friends, and tried to determine where I should put myself to start. I kept going back and forth between the 1:45 half marathon pacer and the 3:45 marathon pacer. I really wasn't confident about myself that morning for my pace.

7:10AM-ish: GUN GOES OFF!!!

Miles 1-3: I found Jaclynn and Adrienne about a 1/4 mile in. They ditched quickly to go to the bathroom ahahah. I kept going and at the first mile, I saw that my pace was in the 7:40s. HOLY CRAP i'm going too fast! I thought to myself. But I felt good, and kept with it going through the Strip District.

Miles 3-6: Okay, first bridge, you got this. Stay light on your feet. I saw my boyfriend at Mile 4 shortly after the water station. He snatched a good smile of me! I then saw some very political signs that definitely upped my pace going on the uphill in the North Shore! Saw my boyfriend again at Mile 5 and grabbed a kiss before heading out to the West End. Some little kid gave me grapes too near the casino... so cute! I took my GU Energy Gel out of my bra and sucked it down very slowly.

Mile 6-9: Oh. My. God. This bridge is awful! I thought as I was coming up the never-ending West End Bridge. I looked down at my watch and was definitely losing speed. Going down into the West End, I picked my pace back up to make up for lost time. However, coming onto W. Carson St. was TERRIBLE. It was a slow incline for what seemed like forever. The blisters also set in at this point.

Mile 10-12.9: ENOUGH WITH THE BRIDGES. WHY DO I LIVE HERE. HOLY CRAP STOP INCLINING. I'M OVER IT. As I was really losing speed going up the Birmingham Bridge. East Carson is where I run about every day, but this was a whole new feeling. Honey Stringer was giving out gels too, and I took it because I knew that Birmingham was coming... thank god I did! Right after the bridge was beer handouts. It tasted like Natty, but hell, it was beer and it tasted good! Going through Uptown was pretty hilly, to which I definitely tried to recover my pace after the bridge. I actually made out pretty well, getting back into the sub-8s.

Mile 12.9-13.1: I rounded the corner and saw the finish line. I started crying immediately. This was it. I was done. I made it. I accomplished my goals. I showed myself that it is possible. I did a sub 1:45:00 half marathon. This was everything I had hoped and dreamed for.

I cried a lot. I called my mom and couldn't talk I was crying so much. My lovely friend Stephanie met me at the finish; my boyfriend waited too. My roommate crossed her part of the relay and headed over as well. It was over, and I finished what I started.

I'm so grateful of everyone who texted and messaged me during and after the race. This was a weekend I will never forget.


  1. Congrats on an amazing race! You inspire me to keep pushing myself to reach my goals!! I wish I was still in PGH so we could train together!! I can't wait to see you keep crushing your goals and reading all about it on your wonderful blog!!

  2. You deserve it friend! That's a tough course and you did amazing! Take some time and rest, but remember to build on that feeling. Marathon training is coming!!


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